
First batch on the new brewery kit!

Now that I’ve setup my home brewery, these are the notes from my first brew day.


20L batch.


  • 3.75kg / 58.6% - Maris Otter (Extra Pale)
  • 1kg / 15.6% - Simpsons Golden Promise
  • 1kg / 15.6% - Flaked Oats
  • 650g / 10.2% - Carapils


  • 3g Hallertau Magnum
  • 140g Amarillo
  • 140g Citra
  • 140g Idaho #7

Hop Allocation

  • 3g Hallertau Magnum: First Wort
  • 15g each of Amarillo/Citra/Idaho #7: Boil (5min)
  • 25g each of Amarillo/Citra/Idaho #7: Whirlpool: 20min @ 80c
  • 100g each of Amarillo/Citra/Idaho #7: Dry Hop (~Day 7)

Water (Tap)

  • 23L Mash
  • 6.5L Sparge @ 80c

Water Treatment

  • Calcium Chloride (5.5g Mash, 1.5g Sparge)
  • Gypsum (2.4g Mash, 0.6g Sparge)
  • Campden tablet


  • 1 pkg AEB Fermoale New-E

Hot Side

  • Strike Temp: 73c
  • Mash: 68c for 60min
  • Boil: 30min
  • Whirlpool: 20min @ 80c

Cold Side

  • Primary: 5 days @ 20c
  • Diacetyl rest: 5 days @ 21c
  • Cool to 15c
  • Dry hop, 3 days
  • Cold crash to 5c


  • OG: 1.076
  • FG: 1.017
  • ABV: 7.2%


Brew Day

Firstly, the mash was really thick, the recirculation wasn’t draining properly and I ended up with a few grains in the wort. I’ve ordered some rice hulls for the next batch to avoid that again!

I missed my pre-boil gravity due to this, but continued anyway - I wasn’t fussed with the end ABV droppping a bit.

First Batch Mash

The boil went fine, immersion chiller worked well getting down to whirlpool temp/80c. Kept some warm water for cleaning and had the mash basket/malt pipe cleaned up during the boil.

I whirlpool’d with a hop spider, I’ve seen mixed notes on this, but I kept the reciculation running, after the sticky mash I had, the last thing I wanted was a clogged pump!

Cooling and transferring went well too. All in all, really enjoyable first brew day on the new kit.

First Batch Cooling


Fermentation started well, great experience with the RAPT Pill! I attached a spunding valve and left it open.

Fermentation Day 1

Couple of days in, I had a nice krausen!

Fermentation Progress Fermentation Progress Fermentation Progress

Then it came to the dry hop - the hop bong is quality. I closed the spunding valve before the dry hop to build a small amount of CO2, I kept an eye on this daily and adjusted. In reality, I should have waited until after. I really wanted to avoid oxygen ingress during dry hop, even though the hop bong is effectively oxygen free.

Dry Hop Dry Hop

This is the fermentaton profile as captured by the Pill:

Fermentation Profile

The blue dip you see a couple of days in was a mistake I made on the Ferminator, I set the temperature a little higher for D rest, but didn’t actually set. It ended up cooling to 20c again.

As mentioned earlier, I missed my OG considerably! 1.063 is what I recorded on the refractomter. Ended up at 6.2% rather than the target 7.2%.

I added pressure to ~10psi before the cold crash, to avoid any oxygen drawback.

After the cold crash, a closed transfer. I will buy another jumper and run this as a loop next time.

Closed Transfer


I left it in the keg at ~5c for a few weeks. My SodaStream leaked which caused me a bit of a panic as it could have been leaking from the keg which could have meant a ruined batch, thankfully just one of the hoses a little loose.

As you can see, the carbonation isn’t tight enough at this point, but it was tasting good!


Served to friends a few weeks after this photo and it went down well! It had really balanced out by that point.

I was really happy with the result. Pushed the boat out a bit with the first batch, I probably should have done a cheaper/simplier recipe to start off with.

Looking forward to the next brew. I’ve got a reverse osmosis system on the way…!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.